With the topic of new energy,green life, dual control policy etc... we can see the energy consumption, regulation and smart control of energy plays a vital role. Using Smart Meters, utilities can connect end user’s Meters on internet via RF, GPRS, and Wi-Fi etc and read the DLMS/COSEM based data to avoid manual errors in billing process thus serve better by forecasting the power needs. End users can determine the consumption and maximum demand and can also plan to reduce the bill. But a lot of people, they don’t know what is DLMS meter, what is DLMS compliant energy meter. So Let’s check together.
Notes: below info from Specification | dlms
DLMS is short for DLMS: Device Language Message Specification. The DLMS / COSEM standard suite (IEC 62056 / EN 13757- 1) is the most widely accepted international standard for utility meter data exchange. This global acceptance is clearly demonstrated by the continued fast growth of the membership of the DLMS User Association and by the number of meter types certified to be DLMS / COSEM compliant.The DLMS / COSEM standard suite has been developed based on two strong and proven concepts: object modelling of application data and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. This allows covering the widest possible range of applications and communication media.
This clear, flexible and future-proof architecture allows us to continuously extend the scope of DLMS / COSEM to cover new applications and new communication media. Initially, it was primarily used in the commercial & Industrial segment of electricity metering over PSTN and GSM networks. Today, DLMS / COSEM forms the basis of large multi-utility smart metering projects using GPRS and PLC networks to transport data. The necessary extensions are the results of a good cooperation between utilities and meter manufacturers, members of the DLMS UA, working on those projects. They include such important additions as data exchange with meters measuring various utilities, customer information, load management and load switching, firmware update, event management, end-to-end cryptographic data security and new communication media.
After understanding what DLMS is, let us understand DLMS/COSEM compliant meter!DLMS compliant energy meter means the meter which adopt the DLMS / COSEM standard suite (IEC 62056 / EN 13757- 1), for example our EM088188, which is specially designed for Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Tajikistan etc.
Components that used inside meter (include battery and Display) could tolerate harsh environments so the meter has long life. Based on stress test meter has long life of 20 years at reference temperature and humidity with failure rate of 0.2% per year.
Also EM129115 support DLMS support with famous Data model similar to IDIS data model. Also the meters support Encryption, Message Authentication, Global Key, Dedicated Key, General protection, as well as different type of HLS Authentication and security policy (0 to 3).
Meter has two communication ports, Optical port and RS485 port with application layer DLMS and opening Mode-E and direct HDLC. On RS485 port Meter support broadcasting by means of Pre-established association.
Different load profiles record hourly, daily and monthly information’s for Billing purposes, consumption, demand response and power quality management. Based on Customer requirement capacity of load profile could be increased.
Log files are strong tools could be useful for utilities for outage management, fraud detection and standard event log.
Firmware update is one of special feature of IVY DLMS energy meter, activation of firmware doing in a few seconds without use external flash.
For more information of DLMS meter,DLMS COSEM energy meter, DLMS compliant meter, DLMS based energy meter plz visit www.ivy-emeter.com or contact us by ess3@ivy-metering.com